Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
Even I can't do it now. The idea was to knock the L off, get the ball into it, then land something heavy on the tall end of it so that bit of landscape on the right acts as a fulcrum, snapping the short end of the L up, causing the ball to smash upwards into the proper place and roll along. But it's harder than I recall...
This Maxthon thing is super annoying. I can play the game, but though it says I'm logged in and records my scores when I play, when I try and upload new levels, it's gone back to giving me an error saying I'm not logged in!
had to remove the 's' from https. Don't know what prompted me to try that, something I'd heard somewhere in the dim mists of the past. Well, it worked. Yay.
tried everything, removing them, adding them back in, logging out and back in. Closing down Maxthon and reopening it (which, by the way, is a total pain - basically forces me to re-install Maxthon each time before it lets me open it, grrr). Nothing works :-(