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that phrase is from the same movie as, "I shit you not, a monkey and a roast beef sandwich." "If you ask me, the monkey's going to eat that sandwich itself."
Not taking anything out on you. Giving you a chance to say, "You've got the wrong end of the stick Mr Bob - I'm not a Putin supporter." Which I noticed you haven't. Or a chance to say, "Yup, I'm a Putin supporter, live with it." Which I notice you haven't. Either way, you're totally entitled to your opinion. But you've gotta know which way the majority of this community lean...
Hi. Is your name about putting "doge" (maybe the doge coin logo?) into the Twitter logo? Sounds weird. It seems to me, as it apparently does to other folks here, that this is not that case. It seems to us that you've named yourself the way you have to give some sort of call-out to Putin, who most people around the world, including me, are very unhappy about (mostly due to his invasion of first Crimea, then the Ukraine. Although I'm also very unhappy about his stance on go hard on fossil fuel extraction, which is super-bad for the climate of the planet due to Climate Change. We need to keep all the fossil fuels that are currently in the ground right there in the ground - to avoid seriously awful climate issues, and yet Putin's like, "Yeah, whatever." Pisses me off. I hope his invasion of the Ukraine ends with a massive retreat and he has to a) cede all land he's taken from Ukraine [including Crimea] back to the Ukraine, b) is forced to pay like a trillion dollars or more to Ukraine for the damage he's caused them, and c) is put on trial for war crimes, and then chucked in some gulag for the rest of his life.)
Until then, I'm privately going to imagine that "PUTdogeINtwitterLOGO" is your way of saying "Putin - Leave! Out! [of Ukraine] Go!