Free Throw Champ!

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

The first three are free. Then, you're on your own!

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Hi !!!!! Sorry about this :(
Sorry about what? I think it's awesome!! You're the best!
Thanks Jeff! Great level - 5/5
Thanks Tavros!
Here is my solution - - Success!
Hahaha That is INCREDIBLE!
Thanks again!
198k - hey Jeff, do not insert a new record please :)
Haha no I don't think I could. I've been trying a different method, but it won't quite get me as many points as your method. You are the mastaaaaah! Hey good job to you too Nicodimo!
Congratulation Nicodimo - Great score on great level!
I do not see how you move your mouse so quickly, Tavros.
Thanks, but I think the problem is in the video...