Tricky Slider

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

Circles are magical things...

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Yes, Level of Difficulty: VERY HIGH! <><><> Excellent score, Zena! <><><> And good job to Law! Respect, for using sheer determination! :)
I am not very good at drawing magical circles right now /:
Well now, I am not going to be on GM for 3 weeks :) EDIT: Oops, 1 week.
WHAAAT!? Well, you will be missed :)
I love this level, Jeff! Nice and tricky - MAX/5 :)
Thank you, my friend :) Incredible score! <><><> Okay, I was somehow able to do it too. It only took two hours and 10,000,000,000 attempts to draw the #%$& thing correctly! >:( But my goal was only to crack 204k. Please pass me again :)
Haha, nice !!! <><><><> After 2 hours, I finally realized that I must reverse the draw order of the #%$& things :)
Haha, awesome score!! :) Well done!
Wow... you people are crazy..
Haha, you're perfect diagnostician :)