Wall in the way II

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).

There is a wall in the way again. :)

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Very cool, Dooode :)
Awesome score, Zena! Even the re-engineered version of Dooode's wall was no match for you! :)
There is actually an even better way, but it would take perfect, Zena-like timing to accomplish it ;)
Good night, Z! <><><> Whoops! Sorry Zena, I had to try the other way. It took many attempts! :)
Excellent score, Zena! :)
Wow! Amazing scores Pandan, Zena and Jeff :) <><><> And of course 6/5 for the level Dooode :) <><><> Hey Pandan, what kind of coffee/beer you drink ? :)))
Hi Tavros, actually it's nicaraguan coffee :) Beer of course Pilsner and Stella Artois.
Hello everyone!
Hey! Have you been on a GM vacation? :)
Sort of. :)