Sir Kumfrints

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

A little bit tricky!

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It took me this long to beat your first level, Jeff. :P
Hahaha, good job! Some of YOUR levels were INCREDIBLY difficult for me, so I'm glad one of mine could torture you just a little bit! :)
You're first level.. Took me 23 tries to beat it. Very hard! I know you're probably not reading this comment because of how old this level is but hey, if you do read this. You've been great at this game since the start! :)
Thank you very much, Unknown! If you want to see something really interesting, draw a line that starts out with a short segment that has a downward angle that will catch the ball and move it toward the round object, and then *wrap the rest of the line TIGHTLY clockwise* around as much of the round object as possible. Draw that whole line as fast as you can. Try it a few times if necessary. When you do it successfully, you'll pass half the people on the scoreboard.----- Remember that using the R button (or Ctrl button) is the easiest way to restart if you have a level that looks like it will take a lot of tries.