Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
Dang, looks like Flash really has gone kaput now. And I never got to share my super-duper level I've been working on for the last month! Double dang. Oh well, have a nice year everyone, and maybe see you at Jeff GM & TM
Thanks Mr B. The "Gravity Masters" discord channel I made, or Astro75's discord channel via the Discord chat button above, would probably be the best ways for everybody to communicate, but if that's not possible, it's fine to leave a comment on the youtube video you mentioned. Several GM'ers including Tavros, Aaa (now Blah), and Astro75 himself have joined the discord channel.
Jeff -
ossiukko -
Jeff -
ossiukko -
Jeff -
AI autoscore -
Mr Bob -
Jeff -
Mr Bob -
Jeff -