Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
Great score Pandan! Can you tell us which script program you used?
I ask, because all my work (25 years) is connected with huge fast response on keyboard and mouse and ... I can not achieve more than 415,350 + ? Are you the fastest man on the planet ;)
Haha, Jeff. Why do you like to torture me? // That is not fair jeff. :P I have not uploaded the worst of the torturous levels I have made. I am NICE to you. // Don't worry, I will get revenge with the next level I make. EDIT: Maybe not the next one.
You deserve it, haha.... YOU have made a few of the MOST torturous levels in all of GM :P <><><><> Well, you know I like the occasional tough level, haha... <><><><> I look forward to another level from you, my friend --whether it's easy or hard :)
zena -
Jeff -
zena -
Jeff -
zena -
Tavros -
pandan -
Tavros -
pandan -
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Tavros -
Jeff -
Laaa -
Jeff -