Baby Boy Bob's Birthday

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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ARGHH :) Fun man
Thanks karlm!
Argh indeed! Thanks though Ossi. Were there 47 letters there? I did eventually blow them out...
47??? I thought that you are fifteen, like the rest of us! What a fossil...
Is it actually your birthday, Bob? I'm assuming this is just some shenanigans.
I turned 47 yesterday. For reals.
happy birthday for yesterday bob!
We're less than two weeks apart in age? Well, it all makes sense now. My mom always told me that I was about to be rich and famous for being the cutest baby in the world until "some adorable little bastard in New Zealand was born 10 days later". Thanks a diaper-load for stealing my fame/fortune so early in life dude. You sux :(
Happy birthday to all lol for past and future birthdays
Thanks Karl, and to you too!
Me is not born at all, me made myself!!!
thanks for everyone's birthday wishes. Including that geriatric old tooth-gapped codger Jeff.
Boyyy if I was 10 days younger I'd put a helluva whoopin' on you. Can't do it now though. Might break a hip.
[placatingly] Sure grandpa. Sure. <><><> actually, I think I read recently that a 27 year-old had become a grandpa recently, so I guess that doesn't have the same ring it used to...
Jeeez, it's babies havin' babies out there.