Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
Palindromic score! However this is almost a carbon copy of my level sign of mental stress. So whole uninspired, take time off.
this level scores weird, like some seem to do --- that score of mine down there, I swear that ball was moving right-to-left SO dang slowly.....
Tell me GM gurus, is there some score aspect to things like how fast the circle is drawn or released? I don't mean, how quickly you draw the circle after the timer starts, but how quickly you complete the drawing of the circle once you start drawing it?!?
This comment will self-destruct in 66.6 months. My score will have the same destiny as my comment, or I'll destroy you all! (I'll start with gerry first)
ossiukko -
gerry -
ossiukko -
ossiukko -
Jeff -
ossiukko -
gerry -
ossiukko -
gerry -
ossiukko -
AI autoscore -