Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
Bob, you've left me no choice but to resort to subliminal messages. <><><> Welp, too much time has gone by with no reply. The message is: MAKE 5 MORE LEVELS!!! (And then 500 more)
Hi Jeff,
Nice to be missed. I'm looking after my brother's, gasp, cats (at his place) for the next few weeks while he and his oldest are in Europe. Can't play there (so only when I'm back here at my place to get mail etc.) Sorry. Will do more when I get back.
Lol, fair enough. I'll spare her. She's a bit past her prime anyway, I reckon. -- Iceland is a beautiful place, but so is NZ. I live near some pretty stuff, but nothing of the magnitude of what you're close to, you lucky #$%^&.
Jeff -
ossiukko -
Jeff -
ossiukko -
Jeff -
sid -
Jeff -
ossiukko -
Mr Bob -
Jeff -
Mr Bob -
Jeff -
Mr Bob -
Jeff -