
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/


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Thank you?
Wow, Zena Blue is good! This person may be Bulgarian, haha...
I think I may have to get used to my score being third again...
The frog picture! Now EVERYTHING is back to normal, haha....
Zena, good to see you, congrats for your score!
Hmmmm... Question: Tavros, have you and Zena ever been seen at the same time at the same place?
Maybe Zena was a GM v1 player. I think I am correct... look at the high scores for GM v1...
I've got several international agencies looking into it. I might have Tavros thrown into a Gulag until I get to the truth!
Am I an international agency? (You got me interested with your first comment)
Excellent detective work, Aaa! I see what you mean about the scores. Zena may actually be an alien from a DIFFERENT planet than the one Tavros is from. Either way, It will be a very rare thing for US to score higher than either one of them, haha :'(
Haha! Nice to meet you, Zena :) Greetings from Earth XD
Hi! :) Greetings from Mars or Venus or wherever Jeff decides I am from.