Tribute to Oop and Jeff!

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

Let's get real :)

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That was brutal, haha :)
I had to humble myself, and accept that Oop and I are only lowly humans in the presence of an alien Nibiruvian overlord, haha :)
I stopped Tavros!
But at what cost?!? Your name is getting shorter and shorter!! He's more powerful than we thought, haha :)
I could not get it to show all of the picture, so I had to make it aaa...I had 5 of them on his username...
If you drop a line under the V, it'll actually stop and start going back in the other direction! Weirrrd....
That is what I did! :) Don't you see my username on top of his?
Oh I'm sorry aaa. My vision isn't 20/20 because of an eye problem :( That image is too small for me to see the details. To me it looks like some circles on top of it. That's awesome that you figured that out! I didn't even think to play with the name until I just saw that you had played with it :)
No need to say sorry Jeff! :) The picture is small! I just wanted you to understand my joke! :) It is hard to see if you do not know what it is!
Thanks! And thanks for adding a cool new dimension to this level! Right after I made it, I regretted not making the name just stop after it knocked my name off, but now I think I like it better this way :)
I like it this way too but, It would be cool if it came back after knocking your name off!
Wow, that's a good idea, and it would've been easy to do! Oh well, it's too late now :)