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Haha, nobody can beat him because he's an ALIEN!! On this one, if you play around with the toilet lid enough times, you can figure out how to whip the ball into the bowl using one line.
I want the record to show that I was the FIRST to get over 100 mil! My score was ACTUALLY HIGHER than Tavros'... but that only lasted a few hours, HAHA :'( Thanks for the cool level Taco!
Arggg, Tavros distracts me with a funny picture and then comes back and takes my Potty King crown when I'm not looking!?! Okay, okay, Tavros, you're the Potty King! :P I'll just be the Potty Prince. On my coat of arms will be a toilet seat and a plunger, lol. Taco, this level almost sparked a war between USA and Bulgaria, haha :)
Jeff -
Tavros -
Jeff -
Jeff -
Laaa -
Jeff -
Laaa -
Laaa -
Jeff -
Laaa -
Jeff -
Taco -
Jeff -
Jeff -
Taco -
Jeff -
Jeff -
Jeff -
Tavros -
Jeff -
Jeff -