
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Thanks for the code noeb
Noeb makes swirly perfection, haha :)
Nice :) How do you get the code from someone else's level?
so thanks again
Haha, smooth..
Lucky me ^^
Lol, whyyyyyy!?!? You are making ME suffer because of Ossiukko making fun of your scores.. It's not fair, haha :P
Lol, I just pressed the play button and dropped a few circles and was suddenly got a high score. I wasn't trying to get one, lol. :) I know you can beat it. :P
Of course! 59999 is my offline score, lol.. jkjk <><><> Okay! (I couldn't quite get to 59999 on-line, lol)
Amazing!! <><><> Now, beat my score! :P <><><> Nice :)
Wow! And Gerry comes in with an awesome score! :)
lags :(
Ohh, so that is why you have such a TERRIBLE score, haha :P Nice!
most of your levels a hard but this was easy but great job any way :)
it was easy, but I got lowest score but it does not matter.