
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

This one is dedicated to my mentor Jeff

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150 my personal best
Ossiukko, this level is perfection. It requires a VERY delicate touch when playing! Beautiful and well-designed. 6/5! And thank you for the dedication. I am very happy that you have joined our little family here. I look forward to more amazing levels from you :)
Very nice design! I love it!
Play it too! Score more than 150.
I missed the last orb..
I missed that too 9/10 times, it is always one of the lower orbs, isn't it?
Yup.. :( // To everyone: Be careful going up or down on the left edge...
I think 20k+ is possible. I almost got 19k once, but the ball took a wrong turn at the last second (at the bottom left edge), haha.. <><><> It's possible :)
Same here, haha..
How many tries? My max is still 150####
About 25 tries to get above 150 (17k), and then about 10 more tries to get 22k. I used mostly circles and deleted them immediately after I made them (to keep them from falling to the bottom). Very challenging level, and a lot of fun!
Great level.